The figs and other old trees surrounding the property have been quietly watching the changes here and the heritage listed pine trees in the Warden Family graveyard over the fence are a reminder of the grandeur of the Warden’s Mt Airlie estate which spread from Woodstock to Croobyar.
These majestic trees act as important markers in the landscape and form an integral part of the history of the district.
The garden and grounds were an important part of the School itself, with local families often coming on weekends to help cultivate the Schoolhouse garden.
Many cultural celebrations were held at the old Croobyar School as well as social tennis days and working bees.
It has always been a place that brings people together and, as The Schoolhouse’s current custodian, we feel it is important that we retain a strong community spirit and hospitality.
What you may not know is that she also grew up with her hands firmly in the earth. A father that was as “Aussie” as they come, a wool man and farmer who entered the room with a “Hooroo G’day”, Jenny is as much at home in the hot and dusty country towns of NSW as she is in the city.
The orchard is tended with care, the fruits shared with local restaurants and guests, and the 16 chickens who roam are Jenny’s pride and joy, nobody leaves without a good supply of eggs.
The grounds and landscaping have been improved upon, natives like Proteas and unique grasses and succulents have been planted and the trees….. the beautiful majestic trees will be cared for so they see another 100 years or more of history here at Old Schoolhouse Milton.